
(Morgan Freeman) Crooks is the only black person on the ranch. He is the stable buck. He has a lean negro head, lined with pain, and eyes that are patient. In chapter three, he isn't mentioned that often, but I know he will be later on.

(Morgan Freeman) Crooks is the only black person on the ranch. He is the stable buck. He has a lean negro head, lined with pain, and eyes that are patient. In chapter three, he isn't mentioned that often, but I know he will be later on.

(Christian Bale) Witt is another guy who is working on the ranch. When he is first introduced, he is described as a young laboring man with sloping shoulders, and he walked heavily on his heels, as though he carried the invisible grain bag. Christian Bale looks like a young hard worker.
Curely's Wife-

I thought Rachel McAdems would be a good fit for Curley's wife. She doesn't quite sound like his wife who has a "voice that has a nasal, brittle quality", but her looks seem to fit the wife's personality.
In chapter three, I really got to understand the characters a little better. For example, Candy really truly cared about his dog, and when he died, he was really upset. And you can tell he doesn't have much to live for. So when he heard George and Lennie talking about them "living off the fat of the land", he was really interested. Curley seems to have a higher rank, being the boss's son. He also is constantly looking for his wife, and got upset easily when Lennie laughed at him. Also, Slim seems to be of high rank, for the other guys were saying that Curely wouldn't dare to blame Slim, and they don't truly know what he can do. Also, when Lennie ruined Curely's hand, Slim was the one to step in and tell Curely to not say anything. Both Crooks and Candy don't have a very high rank though. Crooks is the only African American, and therefore the other guys are partially raciest to him. And because Candy is old, and lost his hand, he is not really looked up to. He knows that he won't last long, and will be canned soon.
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